Here it comes again. That thing I see every January 3rd. It's when everyone gets back to work or school or whatever. You see this sheepish look in their eyes.This walk of shame. Not the one associated with coming home in rumpled clothes after a one night stand. No, this look is the one associated with coming back to work in suddenly tight clothes after a two week eating binge. Yeah.That look.You readily accepted the invitation .You knew where things were going when you got to the table. You knew things might get out of hand but the temptation was too great.You were willing to take that chance for one morsel of pleasure. You were already seduced when you walked in. The way it all looked, the smell, the music in the background, the Holiday lighting. Easy to lose yourself and get a little crazy.Who wouldn't? How could you be expected to have self control when you were so close, practically touching, close enough to nibble... bite... then finally in a complete loss of will and inhibitions devour everything before you? Moaning and grunting with each taste of sweet, delicious, tantalizing love. You told yourself that would be it but then you craved more and more and MORE! Guilt mixed with dizzying delight and soon you were hot and sweaty and loosening your clothes. It was time for... desert. When it was over, all you wanted to do was sleep.Was this you or anyone you know? HELLO? How about everyone? We all do it on some level. In our Dance With Me classes Billy and I tell our students to chill out and not freak over the holidays. There is enough to be stressed about in life. The holidays are supposed to be fun and wonderful and a little crazy. There is food! Tons of it! Everywhere! Whatever you took in has to be burned off and you can do that as soon as you stop beating yourself over the head about it. You don't have time for that anymore. Let's not do that in 2011. Moderation is crucial when it comes eating no matter time of year it is. But if you did overdo it, then get busy and match it with your favorite form of exercise. If you don't have a fave yet, I'd like to recommend dancing.Lots of it! Big surprise there... NOT! Perhaps a DVD that motivates you to get Cardio Fit or teaches you to Groove and Burn the pounds away! Okay stop me. Please. Really. I'm scaring myself. So here's the deal... If you are one of the thousands doing that walk of shame today, don't rush out to get your Julia Roberts Eat, Pray, Love big girl pants just yet (If you saw the movie you know the reference). Get moving! Get going! Get me away from my computer before I shamelessly promote again!